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3 Reasons to accept a theatre contract

You get a contract (yay!) but have no idea if it will be a good idea to accept it or not. that’s where we can help!

Here are 3 reasons to accept a Theatre Contract

As I get older & more established in my career, I really take a step back & think
if a contract is going to help me move further along in my career.

When I was in college & fresh out of college I accepted any & all offers. Some jobs I was making $100/week (never again), living in a dorm (never again) or doing a show because I only wanted to be doing a show (never again). But you get what I mean though!

I don’t accept every offer that comes in anymore. If I am wavering to accept or decline an offer, I run through this list of qualifications first.

So you too can ask yourself…
does this contract check off at LEAST if not more of one of these boxes.

1- Financially

This is the simplest of the answers.

If the contract will give financial freedom during or after the production,
it’s probably a good idea to accept the offer.

Financially can mean: pays well, excellent housing, large private room, company perks (free tickets, gym membership, company car, etc.), all travel paid for & so on.

2- artistically

Have you ever been in a production where if you squinted you felt like you were performing on Broadway? Well, this is what I mean by Artistically.

Artistically can mean: high quality production value (sets, costumes, wigs, sound, etc.), star-studded cast or team, dream show or role

3- collaboratively

How many times have you heard the phrase, “It’s all about who you know.”???
Well, I’ll answer for you…A MILLION!

Collaboratively can mean: connections, well connected director/ choreographer/ musical director, sought after theatre company, great location, get me closer to achieving my career goals

Does this list cover ALL the reasons you should accept or deny a contract? Heck nah! But it’s a really good start point.

Wishing you all Callback & Contracts!

PS- looking for more auditions, click the link below!


Jenna Leigh Miller