How to be a professional at rejection

5 ways to handle rejection as an actor

Being an Actor & Rejection go hand in hand when we are talking about the theatre world. Sometimes a rejection hurts more than it should. Sometimes you can just brush it off your shoulder. Reguardless, rejection is still rejection & it sucks.

Here are 5 ways to handle rejection as an actor.

1- Vent

Call up your mom, bestie or cry it out to your dog. Getting your emotions out can help make the rejection less of a personal thing. Share the burden with others, it helps.

2- Check your mindset

Was this audition really the end all be all or was it just one audition you REALLY wanted? Think big picture, careers are long. And your audition career is even longer. “There will be more auditions.” Repeat that phrase until you believe it.

3- Boost your self esteem

Confidence is a fragile beast when it comes to rejection. Invest some time or money into boosting your confidence. Get a new killer outfit, grab your fav coffee (chai latter for me), do an at home spa day, take your fav dance class or facetime your bestie! Doesn’t matter what you do, just do something that fuels your soul & boosts your confidence.

4- be sad

Yup. May seem dumb to say this but…be SAD! It’s ok. Some auditions are worth a good cry. Just remember your sadness is just another way of showing how much you care about the work you are putting out into the world. Plus, you can still live your life AND be sad at the same time.

5- Do things in your control

When we are auditioning SO much is out of our control, focus on the things you CAN control. Need some help knowing what to do? See below-


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