Meet Teresa Morrison

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Following Teresa on social media has been one of the best decisions I have made since being in quarantine. Her comedy is just so relatable to any human being who's trying to just, ya know, be a human being! She not only makes me laugh, but she also gives me comfort as she shares the plights we face as people. Now, read her responses, go follow her on social media, and get laughing!

How do you think social media has changed how viewers/listeners are able to receive comedy? 

    I honestly don’t think its changed all that much in the sense of actual ‘comedy’ because they get to see us tell jokes still. If anything its helped spread awareness to different audiences who maybe haven’t heard of me or other comics, which is nice! I also think its made viewers learn how to unmute and mute themselves on a zoom comedy show because some people stay muted, but I see them laughing so I’m like “DID YOU LAUGH AT THAT?!?!” I need reassurance I STILL GOT IT. 

Has the pandemic affected your life as a comedian?

Very much so! I did a few zoom comedy shows, which were fun and I met other comedians who I am friends with now and can’t wait to meet in actual person! Now, many shows are being held in parks and on rooftops.  I have yet to do any of those shows because I was out of the city all summer, but I’d love to get my feet wet one night and try! It’s just very different than being in a smaller space and instead having to shout in a park hoping people are listening. I mean now that I write this, its very similar to my musical theater auditions, except I’m belting in a room hoping anyone behind the table looks at me! So I should just go for it already! 

What would you say is the hardest part about being a comedian?

 For me, I think the hardest part about being a comedian is reworking jokes. I write a bit and perform it, it doesn’t land so well, so  I’ll do it on another show and see if it works on that crowd. If it doesn’t work with 3 different crowds, I need to go back and dissect it, which I need to be better at. I was never a fan of dissecting a frog in biology, but needed the grade to get ahead, so the same applies with being a comedian and writing a joke. 

Fun Facts:

What is your favorite meal?

Chicken Francese- ITS DELICIOUS.

-What is your favorite movie?

Sweet Home Alabama- “Why would you wanna marry me anyhow?.. So I can kiss you anytime I want.” (Sigh)

- Who is your Broadway Crush?

Aaron Tveit . If he sees this…Aaron, will you marry me? 

- What is your dream role ?

Miss Hannigan in Annie. - I love Carol Burnett, she’s been such an idol. I used to strut around my house when I was younger singing Little Girls, and YES, I would “act drunk”, but just thought that Miss Hannigan had the hiccups and couldn’t walk straight. 


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